4 Days a Week to a Healthier, Slimmer You!!!
There are so many benefits to doing a Detox, Yes, being on a detox does require a fair amount of discipline, but I promise you the way I...

Happy New year to you all!!! 2017 here we come!
I have had the best start to 2017 I could have possibly asked for. I spent a beautiful Christmas with my Hubby's side of the family, it...

Beware of the Dirty Dozen
Eat Organic for you and your loved ones health and the health of our beautiful planet- let's get started with committing to stop buying...

Weight loss testimony
Weight loss testimony from my dear friend and Modere colleague ♥ Thanks Jackie I have wanted to talk about weight loss with you all for...

Horror Hay Fever or Symptom-Free?
What will our long, wet winter mean for your hay fever this season? Not only has Adelaide recently been coined Australia's hay fever...

B L O A T I N G !?
Bloating is one of the most frequent complaints that I hear in my office, and the good news is that it is almost always treatable once we...

Natural remedies for Depression
B vitamins – There are plenty of studies to show the positive affect B vitamins can have on mood. You’ll need to take a daily B vitamin...

We are Moving!
Hi everyone If you have read our recent newsletter, you will know Higher health has undergone some major changes recently - we have...

Anxiety and your hormones:
I want to take a look at anxiety and why so many women suffer with this mental health issue. In my experience, it can often come down to...

Work’s busy, the kids keep you busy, and this crazy hamster wheel called life that we’re all spinning around on is never-ending, non-stop...