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7 Household Cleaners to Avoid...


Are you cleaning with conventional, store-bought household cleaners?

You may want to think twice about using them. Why? There are toxic and hazardous chemicals in those cleaners. Check out the labels. There are often warning signs of toxicity and instructions to call Poison Control if ingested or exposed to skin.

Toxic chemicals in conventional household cleaners vary in their severity – from acute (immediate) hazards such as skin or respiratory issues, chemical burns or watery eyes to chronic (long term) hazards such as cancer, fertility issues, ADHD, compromised immune system and more.

Most toxic chemicals found in household cleaners fall into these categories:

- Carcinogens - which cause or promote cancer

- Endocrine disruptors - which mimic human hormones and cause false signals within the body and lead to issues such as infertility, premature puberty, miscarriage, menstrual issues, ADHD and even cancer

- Neurotoxins - which affect brain activity and cause issues such as headaches and memory loss

7 Household Cleaners to Avoid...

1. Air fresheners - the fragrances (even those marked unscented) can trigger asthma and allergies

2. Fabric softeners and dryer sheets - the fragrances and other ingredients used to make them can cause asthma, allergies or lung irritation

3. Cleaning products with artificial fragrances

4. Antibacterial products - the ingredients used to kill bacteria in these soaps can encourage the development of drug-resistant superbugs

5. Corrosive drain cleaners, oven cleaners and toilet bowl cleaners

6. Bleach and ammonia - separately these cleaners produce fumes with high acute toxicity to eyes, nose, throat and lungs and should not be used by people with asthma or lung issues

7. Products that create suds (shampoo, liquid soap, bubble bath, laundry detergent) - ingredients such as dioxane, diethanolamine (DEA), triethanolamine (TEA), sodium laureth sulfate, PEG compounds, etc. are known carcinogens linked to organ toxicityIn addition to acute and long-term health issues, many of these chemicals pose health hazards to the environment too.

When these cleaners are used in sinks, bathtubs or showers, they go down the drain and may threaten water quality or wildlife.

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