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16 Health Benefits Of Drinking Warm Lemon Water

1. Lemon is an excellent and rich source of vitamin C, an essential nutrient that protects the body against immune system deficiencies

2. Lemons contain pectin fiber which is very beneficial for colon health and also serves as a powerful antibacterial

3. It balances maintain the pH levels in the body

4. Having warm lemon juice early in the morning helps flush out toxins

5. It aids digestion and encourages the production of bile

6. It is also a great source citric acid, potassium, calcium, phosphorus and magnesium

7. It helps prevent the growth and multiplication of pathogenic bacteria that cause infections and diseases

8. It helps reducing pain and inflammation in joints and knees as it dissolves uric acid

9. It helps cure the common cold

10. The potassium content in lemon helps nourish brain and nerve cells

11. It strengthens the liver by providing energy to the liver enzymes when they are too dilute 12. It helps balance the calcium and oxygen levels in the liver In case of a heart burn, taking a glass of concentrated lemon juice can give relief

13. It is of immense benefit to the skin and it prevents the formation of wrinkles and acne

14. It helps maintain the health of the eyes and helps fight against eye problems

15. Aids in the production of digestive juices

16. Lemon juice helps replenish body salts especially after a strenuous workout session

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