I have had the best start to 2017 I could have possibly asked for. I spent a beautiful Christmas with my Hubby's side of the family, it was fantastic. Then onto New years eve which was a bit weird as it was the first time in 20 years without the kids or young adults now. Life goes on and I spent a wonderful New Year's with my hubby and his sister. We had a ball and indulged into the wee hours of the morning. Then a few days later the 5 of us, Justin myself and 3 kids jumped in the car for an 11 day road trip. We nearly did 4000 k's . We organized the trip to see special friends in Newcastle and family in Sydney and had an absolutely amazing adventure and a wonderful time.
I Must say I'm really glad to be in the health industry and now back home I'm ready to rock and roll and get back into health and lose a couple of added kilo's from totally living the good life for many weeks. So my plan is to start off each week with a 4 day Detox- Monday- Thursday! This is totally getable and allows you and me to relax a bit over the weekend. Look out for the complete plan next week and I hope you can join me.
As well as to commit to excersicing, I hope your in.
With this being the first Newsletter for 2017, I'm expecting to be very busy this year supporting you all in your healthy life.
I wanted to give you a list of what you can expect to becoming your way from Higher Health. You need to know what to look out for that may interest you. Please e-mail me with any ideas you have as well .
To start 2017 the New location at Higher Health (Mile End) is ready so please feel free to come see me for consults, facials, Sauna, cooking classes etc. I would love to see your there.
Subjects, Health events, Cooking Classes to be covered are
let's start this year off active - I'm thinking lot's of challenges !!! Challenges to yourself to help you create habits in your life necessary for your amazing healthy life.
I'm so excited for 2017 to Live, Do, Be Healthy - in Mind, Body, Relationships, spirit and much more...
The 1st and foremost thing I need to incorporate into my life is exercise so that's the first thing we are going to address this year, sound fun? I hope so !!!
21 day exercise challenge- why? because exercise should be one of our many main health life non-negotiables.
The next on our many Health non-negotiables is:
Getting started with Modere for a healthy life!
1. 90 Nutrients- We must start understanding how to achieve our 90 Nutrients required to heal and repair the body on a daily basis.
I will teach you how to combine your food and nutritional supplements so you can be assured to be achieving this. We will also talk about colloidal minerals, Essential Fatty Acids, Amino acids, Vitamins, enzymes, protein.
A mini Nutrition Course for you and the supplements and Recipes I recommend to help you achieve this extremely important component to being and staying healthy.
2. How and Why we must become Alkaline ( Becoming Alkaline - 30 day challenge)
3. Next step is to assure you are absorbing those nutrients that you've given your body via my GUT HEALTH PROGRAM.
30 day "Gut health challenge"- includes Complete Guide to Gut Health e-book
Other subjects of Interest
Nutrition Tips for children, Mothers and Mother's to be
Wellness through Weight loss
"Balance Me" Hormonal Health retreat- 3 to 4 day Retreat
" Natural Healthy Superwoman" - seminar
Blog - Ways to wellness, example - My Protocols for the A-Z of health conditions for example controlling Asthma, Acne, cholesterol, Diabetes, Headaches, Cancer etc. please advise me on subjects of interest to you.
Eat your way to healthy hormones - cooking class
Licking the sugar habit- 30 day challenge
Change your Breakfast- 30 day challenge
All New will be
Health Retreats
Business training for Modere distributors- If this interests you please contact me
Personal Growth training
Well that's a long list so I'm pretty excited and looking forward to another awesome healthy year.
Many thanks to my office support team, Tom Sykes and Justine maddern you both do an amazing job, as well as my amazing Modere clients and my Team of Modere distributors. I appreciate you all. We had a great 2016 so looking forward to what we all can create in Health and happiness for 2017.
Much Love,