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Don’t Ignore What Your Gut is Trying to Tell You

Digestive disorders can cause so much discomfort, but they are sometimes tough to talk about. After all, who wants to discuss things like bloating, constipation, abdominal cramping and the like? But with 60-70 million people in the US affected by digestive diseases, I think it’s time to start talking. Chronic digestive issues might have been a part of your life for so long now, you don’t think there’s anything you can do about it. You’ve simply resigned yourself to “living with it.” But this approach could mean the issues develop into chronic illness the longer you let it go on. Those symptoms are trying to tell you something. Isn’t it time to listen? Good gut health is critical to the overall optimal functioning of all your body systems. So many symptoms can be a result of digestive issues, including: Bloating, belching, and flatulence after meals Indigestion, diarrhea or constipation Weak or cracked fingernails Skin irritations like post-adolescent acne or rosacea Iron deficiency Fatigue Anxiety or depression Chronic intestinal infections Painful joints Some of the biggest contributors to digestive disorders, including leaky gut syndrome, are stress, toxin overload, poor diet and an imbalance of bacteria. It may not be easy to shift some of these factors, but it is possible, and we can help. Let’s look at some small steps you can take to get your digestive system back on track. Reduce Stress. With the hectic pace and high expectations of daily life, you might think there’s nothing you can do about chronic stress. But it’s important to know how severely stress can impact your health, and take even small steps to alleviate it. Try carving out 5 minutes to take a few deep breaths, saying no to just one request, or let go of a relationship that adds more strife than fun to your life. Avoid toxins whenever possible. Toxins are everywhere – the air around us, the clothes we wear, and the food we eat are filled with foreign substances. Small steps to reduce your exposure include buying organic foods whenever possible, using natural cleaning products and detergents, and knowing what is in your beauty products - have you tried Modere yet??? Eat Real Food. When we fill our bodies with sugar and simple carbohydrates, we’re taxing an already overworked system. Take time to really consider your food choices, and make eating a focused, relaxing event. Chew your food well to aid digestion. Choose lean proteins, high fiber fruits and vegetables, and make sure you are drinking plenty of water. Try an Elimination Diet. Sugar, gluten and dairy can all have a big impact on gut health, and you might want to explore how you feel without them in your diet. Try to go without one at a time, and pay close attention to how your body feels. You might feel so good that you decide that piece of bread or cupcake simply isn’t worth it. Seek Probiotic Support. Our bodies contain 100 trillion bacteria that help us break down food and absorb nutrients. Good balance is essential for gut heath. And sometimes, these bacteria can be out of balance for a very long time without you even realizing it. Consider Other Supplemental Support. You might find that taking digestive enzymes with foods calms your symptoms by aiding your system in the breakdown and absorption of nutrients. Extra omega 3 fat supplements can help calm inflammation. Contact me for more information on this. Look at underlying causes. Explore what’s really going on in your system, and treat infections, parasites, bacteria and yeast. It might seem overwhelming to examine what is really going on in your gut. But because digestive health is tied to so many other conditions, if you don’t address what’s going on there, you can’t truly feel your best. And why would you settle for anything less? Yours in health, Maria Lucey, Nutritionist and Health coach 0438 112 050

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